Dusty's Fan Fiction Guide Big Valley

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Story Description Author Location(s)
Brands   lokigal (loki twin) - ? -
The Cup This takes place before "The Guilt of Matt Bentel" episode. Keesha TBL
A Fortune Told Audra bakes a cake and tells Nick what may happen to him in the near future. This takes place a week before Nicks' birthday and visit to Barbary Red. Valley Cyn Ann TWDTAV
Seasons of Sarah   docdeb (Debbie) TWDVP


- ? -: Unknown
TBL: The Barkley Library
TWDTA[B]: The Writing Desk - The Attic / Stories beginning with "B" from Victoria's Parlour
TWDTAV: The Writing Desk - The Attic - The Verandah - 2004-2007
TWDVP: The Writing Desk - Victoria's Parlour

Last Update: 23.06.2013

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